Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving and Football and Shopping

So. I should be writing my novel for the NaNo. I have been, every day. However, this isn't what this post is about.

First, let me say this. I work in retail. I have so for the past two years. This is my third Black Friday. Now, my store gives us associates the chance to write down when we'd like to have our Black Friday shift. My first year, we opened at 4 AM, I believe, and I was scheduled noon to 10 PM - I didn't pick this, I didn't even know I could. My second year, my co-workers encouraged me to go for open (something about it being crazy and awesome, and must be experienced). I couldn't because my family's Thanksgiving was a good hour-and-a-half away, and the store opened at midnight that year. So I opted for 6 AM to 4 PM.

That. Was horrifying. But that's a story for another time, perhaps.

This year, Corporate's moved up open to 8 PM Thanksgiving Day. A lot of companies did that last year. I changed my request from "mid" to "close", accordingly. I didn't want to get caught up in the crazy of last year, and "mid" this year could very well mean anywhere from midnight to noon. Folks, I'm something of an introvert who happens to also be a Type A personality (or choleric). Thusly, big crowds for an extended period of time overwhelm me.

Soon after the news of our opening on Thanksgiving Day for a Black Friday sale event, I saw this image pop up all over facebook by people who are also in the retail industry - or have been:

Let me say this: I agree. Thanksgiving is a family holiday. It's one of those few days of the year where nearly everyone has off and can come together to spend time out of their otherwise busy schedule. Not only that, it nearly forces us to be thankful, which, in today's culture and mindset, is often an unvisited and underused practice.

And there's awesome food. What's not to love?

It's kind of ironic that the day after we celebrate being thankful, and content ourselves with the blessings in our lives, people run around on a mad, greedy dash to get some pretty awesome deals.

So it's a little frustrating that said day is now infringing on the day of thankfulness, contentment, and, oh yeah, family. Especially by companies that often depict their products being used and enjoyed by families who are also enjoying fellowship with one another.

Oh well, as long as I get to enjoy at least some of those football games, you know, the ones put on by people who have to work all day long to put that one for my entertainment and enjoyment.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Crazy Things, Man, Crazy Things....

So. Hello. It's been a while. I apologize for this. I'm extremely bad at keeping such things up. Which, oddly enough, kind of segues into what I'm blogging about.

I'm thinking of doing something crazy.

"What is that? What are you thinking of doing that's crazy?" You ask.

Why, I'll tell you.

I'm thinking (somewhat seriously) about doing the NaNoWriMo.


Yes. Yes, now you see what it's so crazy. I have no idea how to go about this. Sure, I've written mult-chapter fictional pieces (sure, they may have been fanfiction), but, you know how I write them? Chapter by chapter. How do other people write them?

Outlines. Outlines, character biographies, drafts. Me? Ha, I usually say. Not this time, though.

No, this time, I think I shall have to think in such terms. Seriously, I've got one month to write this. I need to know what I'm writing.

This is terrifying. I don't know what I'm doing.

Someone send help. And chocolate. Always chocolate.