Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I read a magnificent poem recently that was more of an epic than a normal "feelings" poem, if you know what I mean. Of course, I'm not expert in poems, so all I can really say about it was that the rhythm was quite nicely done, and I could totally feel what was going on. I had only one problem with it.

It ended without hope.

Now, I love a good angsty story/poem/whatever. I really do, I've dabbled in it multiple times. The ones I've done that have ended without the hope of things looking up are my fan fiction pieces, and that's because it was in the midst of the actual thing, therefore the reader ought to know that not all is lost. So, there is hope, just not really.

Why wouldn't one have hope at the end? To me, that says that living life is worthless if there isn't hope to be had. Why live if death isn't even worth it? What's the reward for living? Not much when there isn't hope.

So, I guess the question is, why do you not put hope at the end? And, if you do, why?

For me, I do. Why? Because I have hope. And, I suppose, that because I have hope, I can't help but offer it to others.

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