Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Thought, the Trinity?

I was quite excited to see that he had finally posted a new album. And by he, I mean, TJ Hester. But I was kind.of disappointed to note that it was a Single. I mean, that's what it said - "Tradition - Single." Bummer, right? That meant that only the song "Tradition" would be there, and not the other two songs. Until I checked it out on iTunes.

Tradition -Single
And, lo and behold! There were three songs, not just one! I was shocked and amazed, overcome by the glory of it all. But then, I was wondering, why did it say single? Why not EP like his other album, "The Wild"?

Perhaps, I wondered, it was some kind of Trinity reference (I sincerely doubt this, it is simply what first entered my thoughts when I saw that there were three songs in a single.). You know, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Makes sense, yes?

God is three persons, this Single is three songs. That sounded very grammatically incorrect. Unless I'm making things up in my head.

Anyways, then I got to thinking, "Well, if this single is like the Trinity, Who do each songs represent?"

I decided that Tradition represents God, Deep River represents the Holy Spirit, and 20 Years represents Jesus. I have absolutely no grounding for this. Just so you know.

The Wild - EP (go...go get it. now.)
It's a great album, though. Go get it. And, while you're at it, go get TJ's first EP, The Wild. Here, I'll even let you preview it: http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/tj-hester/id348068575 .

I've even shown you the album covers.

And, should you  buy them, you're quite welcome.

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